Horses For Causes …

Team Building through Personal Leadership
HORSENSE Youth Program
Equine Encounter

Connecting Through Conscious Communication


"Horses for Causes" provides equine experiences for the purpose of professional and personal development, self regulation and awareness, or simply for beautiful, memory-making encounters.

Our program suits those wanting to develop their skills towards a more authentic style of leadership or teamwork. It is also beneficial for youth groups, schools, or families who want to nurture the emotional development, self-awareness, and communication skills of young people.

Horses have an extraordinary ability to promote physical, emotional, and cognitive improvements in humans. They provide learning interactions that are literally ‘beyond words’.

Horse owners from time immemorial, have known that they ‘feel better’ after being around their horses. We are beginning to understand that there is an energetic reason for this.

For leaders – the art of connection before command, body language awareness, and calm assertiveness.

For Youth – emotional regulation, self-control, clear communication, and the power of ‘the pause’ and focus

For Teams – trust and collaboration, problem-solving skills, and the importance of emotional safety

For Families – the importance of personality styles in relationships as well as clear communication and calm assertiveness.

All programs involve non-ridden, ground-based interactions with horses.

Why Horses?

Our deepest need as a human is to be connected to another.  
As herd animals, horses have the same needs, and they help us see how we ‘step into relationship’.

Horses provide immediate, non-judgmental feedback about our communication style, our inner calm and energy, and our self-awareness. They are powerful co-regulators and being in their presence can dramatically calm our nervous system.

As the ultimate prey animal, they will not connect with us unless we have the right intention and energy – one that is based on empathy, kindness, and compassion.

Unlike dogs, who really want to please us (and will show willingness even if we are not kind) horses run from behaviour they associate as ‘predatory.

Horses also do not like incongruous messaging.  They will view us with suspicion if our inner feelings, body language, and extrinsic messages are not aligned.

“Through our workshops, we teach the process of self-regulation, self-awareness, body language awareness and conscious communication skills’.

Conscious communication and team building for businesses, families, or any other group of people who work, live or play together.


Personal Leadership & Team Building


Emotional Intelligence and Communication Skills for young people.

Horsense Youth Program


A delightful one-off experience with one of our beautiful horses.

Equine Encounter