Horses have their own personalities and are amazing teachers for us to understand how our personality, energy, attitude, and conditioned responses impact those around us.

Our goal is to assist participants with establishing and maintaining a meaningful connection with a horse whilst making gentle requests of them or problem-solving various challenges.

Our horses are sensitive and responsive to humans and they give ‘in the moment’ feedback about how they perceive the human. We help participants to understand, receive, and use this feedback.

Jamaica Jazz

Jamaica Jazz

 Jamaica Jazz likes to expend as little energy as possible and REALLY likes scratches under her neck.  Until recently, Jamaica was our Alpha mare and at 21 years old, she is very experienced at life. Jamaica’s favourite task….a beautiful slow canter around you at Liberty.

Diva Danni

Diva Danni

Diva Danni is our thoughtful and sensitive horse, she doesn’t take to strangers immediately, but when you win her over, she gives you her heart.  Danni’s favourite task is playing ‘touch it’ with her nose.

Beautiful Belle

Beautiful Belle

Beautiful Belle is a confident and affectionate horse who thinks humans are great.   She likes scratches in her mane and Belle’s favourite task is stopping over the jump when her handler breaths out! (not with a rider on her though!)

Sir Safari

Sir Safari

Sir Safari is the bossiest and most assertive pony you could ever meet! He’s got more front than Myer and consequently he’s taught us a LOT! Safari’s favourite task is dragging rugs around the yard, pulling anything left hanging on the fence or breaking into the shed and making sure it looks like a bomb site when he’s finished.

Mighty Milo

Mighty Milo

Mighty Milo has learned everything he knows from his best friend Safari! If he were a bigger horse, we’d all be in trouble.  He’s the only horse or pony prepared to wear an electric shock to get under the fence to the greener grass, that tells you something about his personality. Milo’s favourite task is chasing a flag. 

Champagne Charlotte

Champagne Charlotte

Champagne Charlotte is the prettiest pony going around! She would prefer not to live with the ‘boys’ as they are not nearly as refined as her.  Charlotte still needs to be reassured that humans mean well and she’ll let you know if you haven’t ‘asked’ the right way! Charlotte is clever and athletic and can do some pretty fancy moves with her favourite task, playing ‘stick to me’ with her human. 

Tiny Tucker

Tiny Tucker

Tiny Tucker was born to melt your heart and put a smile on your face.  He’s quite possibly the smartest horse we have.  Like all our horses and ponies, he is very well trained but he has just the right amount of training, respect and sensitivity that you could leave him with your 2year old or your grandmother and he would totally know how to behave. Tucker’s favourite task is reversing up to you for a tail scratch or jumping up onto the pedestal.

Contrary Calypso

Contrary Calypso

Contrary Calypso can be hard to read due to her many facial expressions and likes to think she’s the boss of humans.  Very obliging however when politely requested to do just about anything, she has the funniest neigh and will ‘talk’ to us even while she’s grazing. 

Phenomenal Phoebe

Phenomenal Phoebe

Phenomenal Phoebe recently joined the herd and we are enjoying figuring out her special gifts and super power.

Sassy Saraya

Sassy Saraya

Sassy Saraya is a lively lady!...full of cheek and character she is the destroyer of anything in a neat pile. Along with Jamaica, she is our resident gate tester (you just never know when the human hasn’t latched the gate!). Favourite task…picking up cones.

Elegant Ellie

Elegant Ellie

Elegant Ellie Is as her name nickname suggests, a real pretty lady who hold herself in high esteem among the herd.

O-!dorable Oscar

O-!dorable Oscar

O-!dorable Oscar Oscar is the newest horse to our herd, he is friendly, has the biggest heart and we are enjoying getting to know him.

Rugged Roper

Rugged Roper

Rugged Roper joined the boys’ herd not so long ago. He really is one of the boys.

He looks a little rough and ready but really is a teddy bear.

His favourite task is being King of the boys’ herd.

It has long been said that horses are our teachers and in all our programmes, nothing could be truer. The horses provide learning interactions that are literally ‘beyond words’.

I am always so incredibly humbled by what the horses arouse in participants. People who were unable to make eye contact or speak with anyone directly in the morning, leave standing tall and smiling.

Anxiety states are subdued as people experience feeling grounded and present amongst the herd. Fear seems to vanish and, in its place, calm confidence and joy emerge. It is incredibly humbling, and I cannot thank the horses enough for what they do.

-Lisa Boyd